Dhala Dhala Dhalkauli | New Movie Song-2018| Sali Kasko Bhena Ko | Rajesh Payal Rai/ Melina Rai
Moving Pictures Pvt.Ltd Presents
Sali Kasko Bhena Ko ||
► Starring: Wilson Bikram Rai | Rajani Gurung | Mariska Pokharel |Sushma Karki | Rabi Giri | Buddhi Tamang | Jaya Nanda Lama | Kabita Ale | Biren Shrestha | Pushpa Acharya | Dev Sagar
► Camera: Dirgha Gurung
► Edit: Banish Shah
► Background Score: Kiran Tuladhar | Sandeep Karki
► Sound Mix: Kiran Tuladhar
► Action: Ravi/Prakash
► Choreographer: Basanta Shrestha | Gamvir Bista | Sumit Lama
► Production Controller: Bhojraj Bastakoti
► Chef Assistant Director: Chandra Bhandari
► Song Writer: Pushpa Acharya | SUraj Shahi Thakuri
► Music: Prasad Shrestha | Suraj Shahi Thakuri | Min Ghalan
► Story: Pushpa Acharya
► Producer: Ramprashad Shrestha | Sushil Gopal Nyachhyon | Kaji Man Shrestha ”Bishal” | Kamala Bhattarai | Mukti Adhikari
► Direction: Bhadra Bhujel Trusting that news is for everybody and every one of the general population have an equivalent ideal to get genuine and authentic data at whenever, anywhere.We are a group of devoted, lively, proficient, experienced and enthusiastic individuals putting our endeavors to set new first light in the field of online news-casting. We mean to bring the truth open for all and unite the general population for social, practical and political change. We are additionally dedicated to bring the news in a flash when it trims out. We likewise assess and give thorough announcing and critique on the legislative issues, business, culture, travel, mold, games and instruction of Nepal in an appealing and rich way. Our online webpage is a medium to join the Nepalese individuals dwelling in each alcove and corner of the world.