Wednesday, July 25, 2018

के हो मार्सी चामल ( what is marsi rice )

Farming of a marsi rice is especially farming in Jumla. The marsi rice is also called in English as it is red-colored beans that are prepared from that morsi paddy. This rice flakes in the lower wavelength of mountains and high mountains. It is also considered healthy for illnesses. It is also a specialty that does not take too much hunger while consuming it. The origin of Mars Paddy has been in Nepal. Experts say that its name is Marcy due to excessive cold and flowing water.
Mars Paddy is preparing a 2-month lunch and roses in the hills. Experts say about 8 months from Katda to plant the seeds of this paddy. Since the cold water is roasted, it takes a long time to grind it. Its plant is about 1 meter long. According to the researcher, the amount of iron, starch, and salanium in excess of other paddy is more likely to be in a jersey that is in the jumble. The rice flour is more healthy and healthy than ever. Traders, who are selling merchandise sales, sell at Rs. 250 rupees per kg.

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