Sunday, June 17, 2018

Short Movie about "Ghale Gaun"

Ghale Gaun town the best town among south asian towns is the ideal case of home remain based tourism goal in Nepal which is arranged at a height of 2070 m from ocean level which has a place with warrior ethnic Gurung clan. This delightful town lies in along the round Annapurna circuit highway an entire universes and additionally Nepal's a well known trekking goal. The vast majority of the mens serve in military gatherings in Nepal armed force, Indian armed force, British armed force and in addition police administrations what's more that fundamental occupation is horticulture and creature farming. The aggregate houses are around 115 and larger part tenants are Gurungs. This superb town is just 205 km northwest of Kathmandu and 125 km upper east of Pokhara. Ghalegaun is prominent visitor goal having stupendous landscape situated at Lamjung, roughly 20.5 km north west of Kathmandu and 12.5 km north east of Pokhara, Nepal.

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