Pooja Bohara & Menuka Thapa Crying together in Media
Menuka Thapa is the organizer and President of a NGO,Raksha Nepal. The motivation to set up this NGO is to have a stage to enable girls,women and children.She is enthusiastic to work for these groups,so that they can get away from the endless loop of SEXUAL EXPLOITATION .One of the ways to strengthening is to give shelter,education,vocational training,micro-credit programs by giving chances to women,girls and youngsters from falling under the control of exploitatorsmenuka thapa,pooja bohora,puja bohora,pooja karki,menuka thapa puja bohra,puja bohara,rekha thapa (film actor),pooja bohara,menuka thapa interview,menuka thapa raksha nepal,menuka thapa socal helper,menuka thapa social worker rakshya nepal,menuka thapa talk about puja karki,justice for pooja bohara,muneka thapa scandal,another truth on pooja bohora case,pooja bohora (a group raped girl)