Saturday, June 30, 2018

Dhirendra and Queen Aishwarya, DB Lama, Gopal Parajuli

At the point when ruler Aishwarya got annoyed by Dhirendra's undertaking with Canada conceived British model, Shirley Greaney - she utilized her impact to rebuff the ex-Inspector General of Police DB Lama and the Dhirendra's ADC Bharat Gurung. The judge Gopal Parajuli judged against Lama for the situation. Ruler Aishwarya was irate in light of the fact that Dhirendra's significant other was her most youthful sister - Princess Prekshya. At the point when things went more terrible and more terrible, Dhirendra got tired of this and left the nation to run and live with his sweetheart. The instance of DB Lama was additionally distributed in remote media. (Nepali media around then were not permitted to distribute the news.

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