Saturday, June 30, 2018

Condition of Durbar High school - ISSUE OF THE DAY

Durbar High School which means Palace High School, opened in 1892 is the most established current school in Nepal. Situated in Ranipokhari, Kathmandu, it initially instructed just individuals from the decision family, however was opened to private subjects in 1902. The originator of the Rana administration, Jung Bahadur Kunwar, later known as Jung Bahadur Rana, chose to give his youngsters an English instruction as opposed to the customary religiously situated training.Once he had gone to the UK and he needed to give a discourse before every one of the general population of the UK and he couldn't communicate in English and was humiliated and chosen to show his kids English and furthermore said that "aru kura na sikau tara afno chora lai angrezi bolna sikau" which meant "regardless of whether you don't educate your child anything , instruct your child english".

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