Friday, April 13, 2018

KARKHANA || New Nepali Full Movie HD

Karkhana || New Nepali Full Movie HD 2018/2074 || Ft.Sushil Shrestha / Barsha Siwakoti ********************************* KARKHANA is a romantic drama with a strong social message. Although the main plot has been kept unrevealed to keep the suspense and maintain the surprise element but overall it is a story about a women's wrong choice in life and the difficulties she faces to come to terms with and to overcome these challenges. The film is able to bring forward a social issue, challenging the stereotypes on women hood and its boundaries. In a nutshell it is a complete family entertainment package with romance, hatred, friendship, humor and action with an underlining social message. Cast: Sushil Shrestha, Barsha Siwakoti, Nabin Lamsal, Jebicca Karki, Bikash Upreti, Supi Thapa, Rajak Shahi, Saugat Dhital, Ghanshyam Giri and Sujit KC. Screenplay & Dialouges: Amardeep Sapkota, Dayaram Dahal, Sushil Pokhrel Editor: Ananta Ghimire DOP: Nabaraj Uprety Music: Anil Shahi | Hercules Basnet | Kalyan Singh Production Controller: Ganesh Sapkota Chief Asst. Director: Sudeep Kunwar Action: Chandra Pant Choreographer: Kabiraj Gahatraj Sound Design: Uttam Neupane Background Score: Shailesh Shrestha Publicity Design: Shann Thapa Written & Directed By: Amardeep Sapkota Co-Produced By: Suryansh Khadka | Samarpan Bajracharya Produced By: Sudip Khadka | Amar Bajracharya ******************************************************** © by Budha Subba Digital Pvt.Ltd.

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