How to make PAKODA / PAKORA | CRISPY Tea time snack | Recipe in Nepali | Quick and EASY
Pakoda/Pakora is a standout amongst the most devoured fast food in Nepal and India. Fresh brilliant potato and onion nibbles cooked with a determination of flavors in a Gram/Rice flour which are rotisserie in veg oil. This is the fundamental pakora formula which is an incredible place to begin. I trust you like this video "On the best way to MAKE pakoda" Ingredients to make TASTY PAKODAS. 1 container longly hacked onions, 1/2 glass ground potatoes, 3-4 tsb gram flour, 2 tsb rice flour, 1 tsb ginger garlic glue, 1 tsb new green bean stew, 1/3 tsb garam masala, 1/3 tsb turmeric powder, 1/3 tsb red bean stew chips, 1/3 tsb cumin seeds, 2-3 tsb water, Salt per taste, Oil to profound broil, Some coriander.